Best Blog Sites For You

Finding best blog sites is not easy, especially when you are new to this blog things.
First let me ask you, do you know HTML code? do you undestand what is DNS or Domain? 
If you did not understand all of those, no need to worry. I suggest you create id in wordpress

Best Blog and Easy to Understand is Wordpress 

It is easy for creating an ID in wordpress and almost no need to know html. Just type your idea in a blog and publish it. Wordpress also have a lot of free template, so you will never worry about designing your web from 0 and wordpress have a lot of widget that will help you a lot. Like askimet, that show statistic for your website. Easy to use and its free. 

Best Blog and If You Want Some Free Money Then Blogger

Blogger have a great connection with google, you can write and publish a blog. Have themes that also free. But in my opinion wordpress is better than blogger. What makes me recommend blogger then? because it can connect to adsense. In wordpress if you want to monetize your site, you need to pay some money or upgrade your plan in wordpress. While in blogger it's completely free. you just need to create an adsense account. After your adsense accepted then you can connect your adsense account with your blogger account. After everything is done, when people open your blog you will get money. Once again its completely free in blogger, while wordpress must pay some money first.

Making Money Online From Blog

Making money is not easy, but you just need to be diligent. In what you ask? in publishing a blog. The more you publish blog, the more people can find you through their keyword. Confused? Don't be, because keyword is something that you type in search engine like google or bing. You just need to write a topic that people will type in search engine or you can publish it in your social media. 

That is all you need to know to chose which blog that suits you. Of course there are other blog or online website maker. I chose these 2 because its free, easy to use, and it interface is very friendly even for amateur. I 'm not giving more than 2, because the more i give you the more you become confused which blog is the best for you. Trust me for beginner these 2 is good.
